Our interactive calendar can be filtered by city, date & producer so you can find your next party.
Use the drop-down arrow next to the date (indicated by the blue arrow above) to choose a date to filter by.
On mobile: select the filter options by tapping the icon indicated by the blue arrow below.
On desktop: expand the city filter on the left column and type a city name or select from the list
Featured parties are parties that are the biggest parties happening across the world. These are usually annual events that draw a large following of people that travel from long distances.
To show only these featured events on mobile, tap to show the filters, expand the "Featured Parties" section then tap "Show Featured Events Only". On desktop, the same feature is available from the left filter column.
If you think your party should be considered a Featured Party, please email [email protected] letting us know and we will consider your request.
Please submit your party via this form. We will respond to your request within 48 hours.
Save $20 on Winter Party weekend passes! (Deal ends 2/18)