Micky Friedmann

How did you start your DJ career?

It all started as a hobby during the last years of my ballet dancing career in Berlin. Having a DJ career was never a part of the plan but I believe it was meant to happen. You see, both worlds, of a DJ & of a dancer can only ever exist through music and dance.

How would you describe your music style?

Unapologetic, emotional melodic & progressive

What is your favorite part about being a DJ?

I call it: ´The art of improvisation´. It’s hard to explain but when I am in the DJ booth in front of all these people, my brain takes control over all of my instincts so that I can orchestrate my set completely in the moment. Almost like a musical 7th sense, guiding me in creating these unforgettable moments of magic people keep coming back for.

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What do you enjoy most about the circuit party scene?

I enjoy hoping & believing that the circuit scene today still has the power to bring unity & love to our community. The circuit scene has changed both musically & ideologically since the great era of pioneers such as Abel, Tony, Peter & Junior.

It Is with their music that they were able to shape & define the concept of “Circuit Party”. The music they created brought us together. Or in the words of the great Celeda: “It gave the children LIFE”.

What is your advice to anyone who wants to become a DJ?

– Play only what you love & don’t “prostitute” your musical integrity in order to please.

– Always remember to value your talent (if you actually have one). Never compromise your worth just because others sell themselves cheap.

– Never get messy while you work. The DJ carries great responsibility & you can’t allow anything to compromise your concentration or your performance.

What is one thing you'd like people to know about you?

For the first time in my life I am a happy single man & I am ready to fall in love again.

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